Leya's League 2.0

  • Ks8S8ag.png

    Leya's League

    We are happy to announce the second season of our tournament “Leyas League” which will be hosted in the Playground mode!

    • Double-elimination format
      • After losing once, there is still a second chance to win the tournament
    • All rounds will be played on one weekend (13.02 18:00 & 14.02 16:00)
    • Even Equipment, Level, Pets, and Jewelz: Same Circumstances!
    • We provide a Game schedule (12.02)


    Registration is open from 04.02 - 11.02 (23:59 CET).

    Create a ticket with the following information:

    • Team name
    • Team captain (in game AND discord name)
    • All the in-game names of the team members who will be participating in the tournament
    • You are also allowed to register one substitute player (whereby we need the login name instead of the character name for the substitute player)


    • 1st500 Moonstones (2000 in total) + Chakra with 7 Endurance, 7 Strength, 7 Spirit, 7 Wisdom, 7 Skill, 7 Intelligence for 30 days
    • 2nd250 Moonstones (1000 in total)
    • 3rd150 Moonstones (600 in total)

    Substitute: The substitute of the first 3 places receives 100 MS

    Youtube: Every Youtube Video which shows a minimum of one round per gameday (Saturday & Sunday) from the player’s perspective of the "Leya's League" will be rewarded with 100 MS.

    These rewards will be granted at the end of the tournament.

    For detailed information please have a look at the "Leya's League Handout" we've created.


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    Closed the thread.